30 April 2009

MCC Organizational, Leadership Changes announced for Metropolitan Community Church Denomination

A Pastoral Letter from
the Board of Elders of
Metropolitan Community Churches


Hope-Filled Change In The Midst Of Paradox:

Adjusting Course For Future Ministry
"For I know the plans I have for you," says
God ... to give you a future with hope."

– Jeremiah 29:11

One of the newer hymns of the church is entitled, "Change Your Church, O God." Change challenges us; it helps us grow; it positions us for new chapters in our lives and our ministries.

Change can also be daunting! Perhaps you have seen the Dilbert cartoon that says, "Change is easy! You go first."

The Board of Elders convened recently in Austin, Texas, and wrestled with how to share with you our deepest truth and our hearts during this time of great global change.

First, we are dealing with a paradox:

1) MCC is stronger, more stable and in greater health than ever in our history: attendance is steady or growing (CLICK HERE for information on church statistics), MCC’s global justice work is exploding, there is more interest and need for MCC’s ministry and message than ever before; MCC’s impact on human rights continues to grow; we have no significant debt as a denomination and we have significant investments (though challenged by recent economic events); more than any time in our history, clergy from other denominations are asking to become part of our ministry; and a new generation of activists is challenging and changing us.

2) At the same time that we have been called to do more, the current economic crisis has adversely affected our financial ability to support and fulfill our mission. Tithes to churches and to the denomination have not been as consistent nor as high as needed to support our current structure. As individuals, as churches and as the Fellowship, we have significantly less in financial resources to do the work we have been called to do. In recognition of the perilous state of the worldwide economy and the fact that we all must do more with less, the Board of Administration has asked us to reduce our budget by another $250,000 USD. This means we must make some big changes and decisions about how to accomplish MCC's unique calling in our world with fewer resources and without losing momentum or faith. We have a sense that just as some local churches who have struggled to break size barriers, MCC, as a whole, has struggled to overcome a "300 barrier" in the number of churches. As we respond to economic realities, we do not want to fall back into old patterns, or to return to a "better yesterday." We do not want to let fear throw us back to the early stages of the "Change Cycle." We want to find the healthy and right ways to organize ourselves to move forward for the next decades of ministry and believe that our faith and future are stronger than our current circumstances.

We have been confronting some of these issues for years; in a sense the current economy has pushed us to make choices that will "right size" our denominational leadership:

1) The Board of Elders will model the sacrifice needed to "right size" our denominational leadership. As of August 1, 2009, for the next 18 months, we will downsize the Board of Elders and will have four Regional Elders who will serve MCC's seven Regions. Here is how this will be achieved: The term of office for the Elder of Region 4 has been shortened. Rev. Elder Glenna Shepherd will end her term as Region 4 Elder at the end of July, 2009, and the Region 4 Elder position will be vacated. Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman, after 17 years of continuous service to Metropolitan Community Churches in denominational leadership, will not run for another term. We will leave the Region 3 Elder position vacant at this time. There are no adequate words to thank Elder Glenna and Elder Arlene, both of whom will continue to serve our denomination and partner with the Board of Elders as we go forward. I also want to express my firm confidence in the four Elders who will lead us over the coming 18 months -- Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Rev. Elder Diane Fisher, Rev. Elder Lillie Brock and Rev. Elder Ken Martin -- and to affirm their calling and ministry "for such a time as this." CLICK HERE to see an overview of the Elders new way of work.

2) All churches in all Regions will have Elder coverage for congregational care and connection, including the church’s connection to and relationship with MCC. The Elders will work through our new Regional Teams to help churches develop or maintain significant care and connection between leaders and congregations. We know this is a vitally important dimension of being part of MCC, and one that has been missing for some folks. To see the new model for Elder coverage, CLICK HERE.

3) In addition, the four Regional Elders will primarily work with churches according to the issues and needs created by congregation size. CLICK HERE for more information.

With the departure of our Executive Director (see letter below), we will continue to reconfigure our staffing and accountability structures. Again, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love has made an inestimable contribution to our denomination's life and health over the past more than four years, We know that she will continue to offer her gifts to and through MCC. In this interim period, the Board of Elders will work closely with the Board of Administration to assure a smooth transition and to carry out the administrative affairs of the denomination.

Here is what will be the same:

1. MCC's values, mission and vision for the future, our faith in the God who called us 40 years ago.

2. Every church will have an Elder that will serve their Region and oversee care, connection and judicatory functions.

3. Together, the Elders will provide spiritual leadership.

4. We will continue to plan for an exciting General Conference in Acapulco, Mexico, in 2010.

5. Our Structure Review Team will continue to do its work to bring proposals to the General Conference.

6. We will build on the excellent work of our Executive Director in financial accountability, in restructuring the staff, development of resources and customer service, and expansion of our mission.

7. We will continue to work in partnership with the MCC Board of Administration as we go through more transition, and continue to provide information with transparency and accountability.

8. We will continue to develop and work with an exciting, talented, passionate, committed MCC staff.

9. MCC will continue to be a denomination and a global movement. We will not disappear, dissolve into another denomination, or abandon our sacred calling!

10. We will continue to be on the edge of the connections between Jesus, justice and the LGBT/queer communities globally,

Here is what will change:

1. Every church will be served by the Elder covering your region, and by the Elder responsible for churches in your size grouping. We believe this will provide more concrete help and resources to every church, as we manage with a smaller Board of Elders focusing more precisely on your church’s needs.

2. At the same time, some expectations of Elders will have to be adjusted for the next 18 months, at least, as we ask for your patience and participation.

3. Our denominational operations will have to be adjusted, and "right sized" for our present resources, which means some projects and initiatives may have to be postponed or downsized, as we focus like a laser beam on priorities.

Here is what we promise you:

1. Timely, transparent, truthful information, as we go through changes.

2. Openness to your constructive feedback.

3. Cooperation with our Structure Review Team.

4. Boldness, creativity, and faithfulness on the part of MCC's leadership.

Here is what we need from you:

1. Constructive feedback to us and to the Structure Review Team
2. Participation in our Regional teams
3. Prayers and patience
4. The benefit of the doubt
5. Willingness to try doing things a new way

We are so grateful to so many of you who have committed your lives and resources to the ministry we share.

I know in my heart that God will be with us through every change, as we offer ourselves, in Christ's name, to "the least of these," who so desperately need us as we continue to "tear down walls and build up hope!"


Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson
Metropolitan Community Churches

Rev. Elder Ken Martin
Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman
Rev. Elder Glenna Shepherd
Rev. Elder Diane Fisher
Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
Rev. Elder Lillie Brock


from the Office of the Moderator
of Metropolitan Community Churches

April 30, 2009

Dear MCC Friends:

After more than four years as MCC's Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love is leaving her position with Metropolitan Community Churches. Cindi will stay through May 27, 2009, to assist with a smooth transition of duties.

I will soon announce an interim appointment to keep our operations running smoothly.

In the meantime, Rev. Elder Darlene Garner has been appointed by the MCC Board of Administration, at my recommendation, to assist Cindi with the transition.

As the Scriptures say, "There is a time and season to every purpose under the sun." God raised up Cindi to serve Metropolitan Community Churches and we will be forever grateful for her service. She is assured of our prayers for success in all that she undertakes.

Grace and peace,


Rev. Nancy L. Wilson
Office of the Moderator
Metropolitan Community Churches

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Metropolitan Community Church is a place for all people. It is our founding belief that all are welcome at the table whether they are GLBT, Straight, Questioning, a member of MCC, a member of another church, or not affiliated with a church at all. The love of God is NOT conditional. All are welcome!