24 August 2009

Time-Sensitive Clergy Survey from the MCC Structure Review Team - Deadling Extended to August 28, 2009


Metropolitan Community Churches




Tearing Down Walls
Building Up Hope


Rev. Elder Nancy WilsonDear MCC Pastors:


This is a follow up to the request of Rev. Tony Freeman and the MCC Structure Review Team (SRT) as they work to gather information and feedback from the members of our clergy community.   The deadline to respond to the SRT pastor/clergy survey has been extended to August 28, 2009.  


I'm writing today to invite you to take just a few moments of your time to share your valuable insight with this team.  The time has come for us to reason together and we want to ensure that we have heard from as many of our pastors as possible, so take this opportunity to add your voice to this effort. 


Grace and Peace,


+ Nancy


Rev. Nancy Wilson

MCC Moderator



Rev. Tony FreemanDear MCC Pastors and Friends,


As a valued stakeholder in the Metropolitan Community Church, the Structure Review Team requests your comments, responses and remarks to the following questionnaire.


As you begin this Holy Conversation we ask that you approach this questionnaire as a prayerful exercise. We encourage you to set time aside to be silent, pray and then answer the questionnaire as a sacred conversation intended to help us discern together the movement of God in and through MCC.


To submit your answers to the questions below, please highlight and copy the questions, click here to email Rev. Tony Freeman, paste the questions into the body of the email and add your responses.


1.    What do you see as the primary calling and or unique mission of your local church/ministry at this time? 5 years from now?
2.    What do you see as the primary calling and or unique mission of MCC as a denomination or movement at this time? 5 years from now?
3.    How has the new structure which we approved at General Conference in 2001 been a positive in your ministry?
4.    How has the 2001 new structure been a challenge to your ministry?
5.    If you were involved in MCC before the 2001 restructuring, what changes have you seen with the interaction between the Fellowship and the local church/your ministry?
6.    What type of interaction do you have with your Regional Elder?
7.    What type of interaction do you have with other churches/church leaders within your region? Outside your region?
8.    Do you think that the denomination has lived up to its charge of better resourcing the local church/your ministry since the 2001 restructuring? Please explain.
9.    A.) If your primary ministry is not local church pastorate, please describe your ministry. B.) How can MCC better incorporate this ministry into its structure?
10.What can the denomination do to better train local church leaders?
11.What ideas do you have to enhance or improve our structure?
12.What do you feel should be the denomination's top priorities over the next three years? Next five years?


All responses are for the confidential use of the Structure Review Team. No names will be used in any reporting without permission. Please send your responses to revtonyfreeman@gmail.com by August 28, 2009.

Thanks in advance for your prompt completion and return of this questionnaire.

The Structure Review Team


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Metropolitan Community Church is a place for all people. It is our founding belief that all are welcome at the table whether they are GLBT, Straight, Questioning, a member of MCC, a member of another church, or not affiliated with a church at all. The love of God is NOT conditional. All are welcome!