05 January 2009

MCC PRAYER ALERT: Violence in Gaza

Metropolitan Community Churches


Tearing Down Walls.  Building Up Hope.


Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches
Calls for a time of prayer for those affected by the violence in Gaza


In the days to come, wrote the prophet Isaiah,
"God will wield authority over many nations and  adjudicate between many peoples; these will beat their swords into ploughshares and their  spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall  they train for war anymore."



Dear friends:
The past few days have seen the deadliest upsurge in  violence between Israel and the Palestinians of this  decade.  Hundreds of people have been killed; scores more  have been wounded.  Doctors and hospitals are unable to keep up with the  urgent need for care.  Medical supplies, as well as food, have been cut off  for many people.
Our call as people of faith in times like these is to earnest,  heartfelt, persistent prayer.  Not by might and not by power, but  by my spirit, says God. {Zechariah 4:6} --- I urge all MCCers and people of  good will everywhere to join me in praying fervently for an immediate and  honored ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and an end to all forms of  hostility between God's Palestinian and Israeli children.  Pray with me  that the Spirit of God will overshadow the world's leaders and diplomats that  they may be inspired to turn their energies and resources toward  establishing peace on earth, good will among all. 
Pray with  me until at last the vision of God where nations train for war no more  is our reality.

Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Nancy Wilson, Moderator



O God, we know that there are many old hurts and old wounds
inspiring the continued violence and hostility in the holy land.
Pour out your Holy Spirit in fresh abundance upon the hearts of people everywhere, especially this day, upon the hearts of your Palestinian and  Israeli children.  

Help them to remember your words of choice and promise spoken  to each.
Help them  to treasure their beloved status as brothers  and sisters born of your love.

Inspire the kinds of choices and decisions among leaders and  people alike that will make for peace and turn the tools of war into the  instruments of care, compassion, and charity.

We pray with everything in us that the fighting will cease  now, and that no more lives will be lost.

Open the corridors of hope and give to each person this  day all the medical attention, all the food, all the sense of  security each one needs.
We trust you with all our needs --- from daily bread to world peace.
And we pray in the name of Jesus the Christ, our example in trust.



This Prayer Alert has been prepared in conjunction with MCC's Global Justice Team, Rev. Pat Bumgardner, chair.

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Metropolitan Community Church is a place for all people. It is our founding belief that all are welcome at the table whether they are GLBT, Straight, Questioning, a member of MCC, a member of another church, or not affiliated with a church at all. The love of God is NOT conditional. All are welcome!